LITHE Enterprise Limited ("Company")

LITHE Enterprise Limited (“Company”)

Personal Data Statement to Customers (“this Statement”)

This Statement is to inform the customers of the policies and practices with respect to the collection, use, retention, disclosure, transfer, security and access of personal data adopted by the Company and the owners of the properties managed and/or operated by the Company in accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, Cap. 486 of the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (“Ordinance”) and the relevant law regulations. References to “we”, “us”, “our” or “ours” in this Statement are to be construed, depending on the context, as referring to those properties or entities collectively or severally.

  1. We will collect the personal data from the customers to enable us to provide you with the goods and/or services. Failure to supply your personal data may result in us not being able to provide you with the goods and/or services.
  2. Customers will be asked to confirm their acceptance of and/or consent to the terms of this Statement when making reservations or otherwise communicating with us via this website or as required under applicable laws. Customers’ use or access of our website will also constitute deemed to consent/accept the use of that date as set out in this Statement.

Where a customer provides personal data of third parties (e.g. names and contact details of the customer’s family members or friends for reservation purposes), the customer acknowledges and confirms that the customer has obtained the relevant third parties’ consent to provide their personal data to us. We shall not liable to you in this regard.

  1. We collect the following types of the personal data (including but not limited to) for the purposes mentioned in paragraph 5 below: 
  • Personal information and contact information of the customer such as your name, gender, date of birth, identity card number, telephone number, email address, correspondence address, mailing address and/or billing address;
  • Business information of the customer;
  • User account details of the customer such as credit card and other payment transaction details;
  • IP address, real-time geographic location data, browsing records, and/or other Internet log information of the customer;
  • Login/logout information of customer; and
  • any other information which the customer chooses to provide to us.
  1. The customer agrees that any personal data with respect to the customer or any other party which has been provided by the customer to us (“Personal Data”) may be disclosed and transferred to the following locations or persons who shall hold, use, process, retain or transfer such Personal Data for the purposes mentioned in paragraph 5 and on a need-to-know basis (whether within or outside Hong Kong): 
  • our corporate office in Hong Kong and our vehicles where the customer has booked or visited or traveled with;
  • competent court of law, law enforcement agencies, or other governmental or statutory authorities, institutions or organisations;
  • our associated company, business partner, agent, contractor, bank, insurance company, credit provider, financial institution, service provider or professional adviser of ours or any other person under a duty of confidentiality to us;
  • any of our holding companies, their subsidiaries and any company in which the same has a direct interest; 
  • any actual or proposed assignee or transferee of ours; and
  • any other party at the customer’s consent or instruction.
  1. The customer acknowledges and agrees that his/her Personal Data is provided for the following purposes (including but not limited to): 
  • identifying the customer and any accounts of the customer hold with us;
  • the provision of any goods and/or services to the customer (including vehicles reservations and arrangements, membership-related services and responding to inquiries and requests for information or services);
  • determining and verifying the customer’s eligibility for discounts and promotions on products and services;
  • the analysis, verification and/or checking of the customer’s credit, credit history and payment;
  • the ensuring of the customer’s on-going credit worthiness;
  • the processing of any payment instructions, direct debit facilities and/or credit facilities requested by the customer;
  • the determination of the amount of debt owed to or by the customer and/or the processing and/or collection of amounts outstanding from the customer and those providing security for the customer’s obligations; 
  • processing applications or renewal applications for our business partners’ products and services, including but not limited to insurance and financial products on the customer’s behalf;
  • processing insurance claims for our business partners’ products and services on the customer’s behalf;
  • enabling us to store the personal data of the customer so you do not have to re-enter it each time you purchase a product or renew;
  • the performance, preparation and enforcement of the order or any agreement between the customer and us;
  • direct marketing of our services/the products and services of the Company’s business partners;
  • in connection with any merger, sale, financing or acquisition of our business by/with another company;
  • conducting research, statistical analysis and behavioral analysis;
  • handling the customer’s complaints and account enquiries, handling any claim and/or proceedings against the Company or any party;
  • fraud prevention and detection;
  • auditing purposes;
  • disclosures under the requirements of any law; and
  • any other purposes relating to the above.
  • A cookie is a small text file which is placed onto customer’s computer (or other electronic device) when customer access the Company’s website. We use cookies on our website to:
  • recognise customer whenever you visit our website;
  • obtain information about customer’s preferences, viewing and browsing behavior, online movements and use of the Internet;
  • keep track of the items stored in customer’s shopping basket and take customer through the checkout process;
  • carry out research and statistical analysis to help improve our services and to help us better understand our visitor and customer requirements and interests;
  • target our marketing and advertising campaigns and those of our business partners and advertisers more effectively by providing interest-based advertisements that are personalised to customer’s interests;
  • make customer’s online experience more efficient and enjoyable; and
  • enable tighter security.

If customer wants to disallow the use of cookies, customer can do so on customer’s own web browser. If customer disable cookies, customer acknowledges that customer may not be able to use some of the functionality of our website.

  1. This Statement only applies to the Company’s website. Our website may contain links to other sites and pages. By activating a link, such as for example by clicking on the banner of an advertiser, customer leaves our website and the Company does not exercise control over any personal data or any other information customer gives to any other entity after customer has left our website. Access to and use of such other websites is at customer’s own risk.
  2. We intend to use the customers’ personal information (including their names and contact details) for use in direct marketing of the news, offers, services, promotions, events and other information in relation to our hospitality businesses. We may not so use the customers’ personal information without the customers’ consent or indication of no objection. We will always ask for the customers’ consent or indication of no objection before using the customers’ personal information for direct marketing. Customers may always opt-out from receiving our direct marketing communications by following the instructions in the relevant communications or contact us directly at
  3. Under and in accordance with the relevant laws, the customer has the right to: 
  • check whether we hold any Personal Data with respect to the customer;
  • access such of the Personal Data which we hold with respect to the customer;
  • require us to correct any Personal Data which is inaccurate;
  • ascertain our policies and practices (from time to time) in relation to the Personal Data and to be informed of the kinds of the Personal Data held by us;
  • withdraw consent to the processing of his/her Personal Data;
  • erasure of his/her Personal Data;
  • restrict data processing;
  • object against profiling;
  • data portability; and
  • lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority (where applicable).
  1. In accordance with the Ordinance, we have the right to charge the customer a reasonable fee for the processing of any data access request. Any request for access to the Personal Data, correction of the Personal Data or information regarding policies and practices and kinds of Personal Data held by us or any request in relation to the customers’ rights under paragraph 7 above should be in writing and addressed us as follows: 

LITHE Enterprise Limited

Unit 9, 9/F, Asia Trade Centre, 79 Lei Muk Road, Kwai Chung, New Territories, Hong Kong

Attn: Personal Data Administrator

  1. We will only retain the Personal Data for so long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected and for the purposes of satisfying our legal, accounting or compliance-related requirements.

    To determine the appropriate retention period, we consider the amount, nature, sensitivity, the potential risk of harm from unauthorised use or disclosure of the Personal Data, the purposes for which we collect/process the Personal Data and the applicable legal requirements.

  2. This Statement has been translated into different languages. If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the English version and the other versions, the English version shall prevail.

We keep this Statement under regular review and place updates on our website from time to time.

Last Updated:

根據香港特別行政區法例《個人資料(私隱)條例》第486章「條例」以及相關的法例規定,本聲明旨在告知客戶有關收集、使用、保留、披露、轉移、保密和存取由本公司及由本公司管理和/或運營的營地業主所持有的客戶資料的政策和實施。 本聲明中對「我們」或「我們的」的引用應根據上下文解釋為統一或個別指代該等物業或實體。

  1. 我們會收集客戶的個人資料以便我們為客戶提供商品和/或服務。若客戶未能提供個人資料,則可能導致我們無法為客戶提供商品和/或服務。
  2. 客戶使用或訪問我們的網站均被視為已同意/接受按本聲明使用閣下的個人資料。


       3. 我們所收集以下類別的個人資料(包括但不限於),以用於下文第5段所述之目的:

  • 客戶的個人資料及聯絡資料,如姓名、性別、出生日期、身份證號碼、電話號碼、電郵地址、通訊地址、郵寄地址及/或寄發帳單地址;
  • 客戶的商業資料;
  • 客戶的賬戶資料,如信用卡及其他付款交易詳細資料;
  • 客戶的IP地址、即時位置資料、瀏覽器紀錄及/或互聯網記錄資料;
  • 客戶到達/離開信息;及客戶選擇向我們提供的任何其他信息。

       4. 客戶同意其向我們提供的有關該客戶或其他方的任何個人資料(「該個人資料」),出於第5段所述之目的可能會被披露並轉移至以下地點或須知悉該個人資料之人士使用、處理、保留或轉移該個人資料(不論其身處香港或香港境外):

  • i. 我們在香港的公司辦事處以及客戶已預訂或乘坐的車輛;
  • 具管轄權的法院、執法機關、或其他政府法定或監管部門、機構或組織;
  • 我們的任何聯繫公司、合作夥伴、代理人、承辦商、銀行、保險公司、信貸提供者、金融機構、服務供應商或專業顧問或對我們負有保密責任之任何其他人士;
  • 我們的任何控股公司、其附屬公司及任何與其有直接利益關係的公司;
  • 我們的任何實際或擬議的受讓人或受讓人; 及
  • 經客戶同意或指示的任何其他方。

        5. 客戶知悉並同意他/她的個人資料是出於以下目的(包括但不限於):

  • 識別客戶的身分及客戶開設的任何賬戶;
  • 向客戶提供任何商品和/或服務(包括車輛預訂及安排,會員相關服務以及回應信息或服務查詢和請求);
  • 確定及核實客戶享用商品和服務的折扣及促銷的資格;
  • 分析、驗證和/或查核客戶的信用、信貸記錄及付款情況;
  • 確保客戶持續的信用度;
  • 處理客戶要求的任何付款指示,直接付款額度和/或信貸額度;
  • 確定客戶所欠的債務金額和/或處理和/或收集客戶未償還的金額以及為客戶的債務提供擔保的金額;
  • 代表客戶處理申請及更新合作夥伴的產品及服務,包括但不限於保險及財務產品;
  • 代表客戶處理合作夥伴的產品及服務之保險索償;
  • 讓我們的網站儲存客戶的個人資料,以免客戶每次購買產品或更新時需要重新輸入相關資料;
  • 履行、準備和執行客戶訂單或與我們之間簽訂的任何協議;
  • 直接促銷我們的服務/本公司業務夥伴的產品及服務;
  • 與/由其他公司合併、出售、融資或收購本公司有關之事項;
  • 進行市場研究、統計分析及行為分析;
  • 處理客戶的投訴及賬戶查詢,對本公司或任何一方之索償及/或訴訟;
  • 防範及阻止欺詐;
  • 審計目的;
  • 根據任何法律要求而作出披露;及
  • 與上述有關的任何其他目的。

        6. 「曲奇」檔案是一個當客戶進入我們的網頁時存儲於客戶的電腦(或其他電子裝置)的小型文字檔。我們在我們的網頁使用「曲奇」檔案,以便:

  • 在客戶瀏覽我們的網頁時辨認你的身份;
  • 取得有關客戶喜好的資料、查閱及瀏覽行為、網上活動及互聯網的使用情況;
  • 持續追蹤客戶購物籃內儲存的項目,協助客戶通過結賬的手續;
  • 進行研究及統計分析,協助我們改善服務,更了解訪客及訪客的要求及興趣;
  • 提供切合客戶個人興趣的廣告,更有效地進行我們、業務夥伴及廣告商的促銷及廣告計劃;
  • 使客戶的網上活動更有效率,體驗更佳;及
  • 使安全措施更嚴密。


        7. 本聲明只適用於本公司網頁。我們的網頁可能載有通往其他網址及網頁的連線點。 每當客戶啟動任何此等連線網址,例如點選任何廣告客戶的連線欄目,客戶即已離開了我們的網址;而客戶在離開我們網址後向任何其他團體提供的任何個人資料或任何其他資料,一概不在本公司的管控範圍內。 客戶須承擔一切瀏覽或使用其他網址的風險。
       8. 我們擬將客戶的個人資料(包括其姓名及聯絡方式)用於直接推廣與我們的營地業務相關的新聞、優惠、服務、促銷、活動和其他信息。 除非得到客戶同意或客戶表示不反對我們使用其資料,否則我們不會擅自使用客戶的個人資料。 我們將始終在徵求客戶同意或客戶表示不反對使用其資料後,才將其資料用於直接推廣活動中。 客戶可依照相關通訊中的指示或直接透過 與我們聯絡,選擇不再接收我們的直接推廣資料。
       9. 根據適用的相關法例,客戶有權:

  • 查核我們是否持有與客戶有關的任何個人資料;
  • 存取我們持有的有關該客戶的個人資料;
  • 要求我們更正任何不準確的個人資料;
  • (不時)確定我們有關個人資料的政策及實施,並告知我們所持有的個人資料的類別;
  • 撤回對處理他/她的個人資料的同意;
  • 刪除他/她的個人資料;
  • 限制數據處理;
  • 反對數據分析;
  • 攜帶個人資料;及
  • 向監管機構提出投訴(如適用)。

        10. 根據條例,我們有權就處理任何資料存取請求而向客戶收取合理費用。



        11. 我們只會在必要時保留個人資料,以達致收集資料之目的及符合我們的法律、會計或合規相關要求。我們會因應收集/處理個人資料的目的以及適用的法律要求,評估未經授權使用或披露個人資料可造成的危害層面、性質、牽連性及潛在風險,以確定適當的資料保留期限。
        12. 本聲明已翻譯為不同語言版本。若英文版本與其他版本有歧義或爭議,概以英文版本為準。

