About Us

Lithe is a Hong Kong incorporated company providing wide range of services, such as immigration, work permit in Hong Kong, and translation services. For details of immigration services, please visit the link.


For translation services:

Translation & localization of documents, contracts and online contents.

Translation field : Financial, legal, fashion, journalism, F&B and tourism

* Translation memory and glossary can be provided upon request. Please kindly consult for further information.

Language : English <> Chinese (Traditional and Simplified)

Rate : per 1000 words (Source texts) / on hourly basis

Associate companies with Lithe is a Hong Kong CPA, if you need professional CPA services, pls. visit www.grandioservices.ocm

Lithe also provide a platform for merchandising activities for consumers, wholesales and factories. For various products and merchandising commodities, please visit different product categories as below. 




*可一併提供Translation memory及詞彙表。詳情請個別查詢。

工作語言:英語  <> 中文(繁簡皆可)

費用:每千字算(原文計) / 每工作小時



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